Time Zone and Language Settings

Set the time zone and the language that is displayed on the screen.

  1. Click User name in the header. Screenshot: User name in the header is highlighted

  2. Click Account Settings.

  3. Click Edit basic Information. Image of the basic information editing icon

  4. Set the required items.

    • Time zone:
      Set the time zone you want to use.

    • Language:
      Set the language that you want to display. The following display languages are available in Garoon.

      • 日本語
      • English (US)
      • 中文(简体
      • 中文(繁體

      If you select a language other than above, the Garoon screens will be displayed in English.

    Screenshot: The fields to configure time zone and language are highlighted on the "Account settings" screen

  5. Click Save.