How to View the Top Page

This section describes how to view the top page and the header.
The header is displayed on every screen in Garoon.

Screenshot: An example of Garoon top page screen

Description of the items

Depending on your system administrator settings and personal settings, the items that are displayed may be different.

Number Description
1 Apps:
Displays the application menu in a dropdown list.
Apps dropdown list
2 Logo:
Your system administrator can configure any logos.
For details, refer to how to change the logo in the header and its link target.
3 Top:
Displays the top page of Garoon.
4 Latest Information:
When clicked, notifications for each application are listed in the dropdown list.
The number that is displayed in the icon is the number of all unread notifications.
Screenshot: Example of the top page with notifications displayed after clicking the Latest Information icon
  • "All" button:
    Displays all notifications.
  • "@ To me" button:
    You can also filter notifications addressed to you. For the details about which notifications are treated as "To me" notifications, refer to What are the notifications addressed to me?.
  • "Unread" button:
    Displays unread notifications.
  • "Read" button:
    Displays notifications that have been read.
  • Mark as read icon:
    This is displayed for the unread notifications except phone messages and workflows.
    When clicked, the notification is changed to the "read" status and no longer appears in the list of unread notifications.
  • "Go to Notifications" link:
    Displays "Notifications" screen.
5 Respond:
Clicking this icon displays a list of the "Like" responses to your comments.
6 Portal:
A list of portals is displayed.
7 My Space:
A list of spaces that you are participating in is displayed.
8 Opening and Closing buttons for menus:
You can show or hide the application menu by clicking the down arrow and the up arrow buttons.
9 Icon for service:
The Cybozu service is displayed as an icon.
Click to switch between the services you want to access.
10 User name:
Links to account settings and personal settings are displayed.
Screenshot: A dropdown list of the user name
The following actions are performed in the account settings in the Cybozu cloud service.
  • Account Settings Link:
    The "Account Settings" screen is displayed. On the "Account Settings" screen, you can change the profile data, check the login history, and more.
    For details, refer to "Configuring Accounts".
The following menu actions are performed on Garoon screens
  • Personal settings link:
    The "Personal settings" screen is displayed. On the "Personal settings" screen, a user-configurable menu is displayed.
  • Design settings link:
    The "Design settings" screen appears.
    For details, refer to the page for design settings.
11 Items for Search:
When you enter a keyword and click the search icon , the data in the product is searched.
12 Part to switch portals:
This is displayed when multiple portals exist.
You can switch between portals.
13 Portal menu link:
The following menus are displayed.
  • Portal settings link:
    This link displays a setting screen for the portal you are currently viewing. This enables you to change the portal name, as well as the positions and settings of the portlets.
    If you are viewing a portal that was created by the system administrator, this link is visible only to the operational administrator of the portal.
  • HTML portlet settings link:
    This link displays a "HTML portlets" screen. You can change the settings of the HTML portlet for which you have operational administrative privileges.
    This link is visible only to the operational administrator of the HTML portlet.
  • Default portal setting link:
    This link displays the "Default portal" screen. This enables you to configure the default portal to display when you log in to Garoon. For details, refer to Default portal setting.
    This link is visible only to the users with permission to use "Default portal setting".
  • Add My Portal link:
    This link displays the "Add My Portal" screen. For details, refer to Adding My Portal.
    This link is visible only to the users with permission to use My portal.
14 Portal:
The portal created by the system administrator or by users.
User Icons

For details on the user icons on the top page, refer to User icons.

Application Icons and Default Values

Depending on the system administrator settings, or the language that is used by users, the application names other than the defaults can be displayed.
The default application names for Garoon are as follows.

Icon Default Application Names Icon Default Application Names
Portal Space
Bookmarks Scheduler
Messages Bulletin Board
Cabinet Memo
Phone Messages Timesheet
To-Do List Address Book
E-mail Workflow
MultiReport Presence indicators
Favorite Like