Copying Request Forms

Copy an existing request form to create a new request form in the same category.
The contents of the request form copied are as follows:

  • Request Form name and request form code:
    They will be "copy of (original)".
  • Other request form information/administrator memo/items:
    The same as the source.
  • Request & Approval Number:
    The same as the source.
    The last request number is not initialized. The last approval number is initialized to "0".
  • Route/Route Branching:
    If you set a shared route in the source, the route and branch settings will be the same as the source.
    If you set a dedicated route in the source, the route and branch settings will be deleted.
  • Enabled/disabled:
    If the source is "enabled" and you set a shared route, it also will be "enabled".
    If the source is "enabled" and you set a dedicated route, it will be "disabled" because the route will be deleted.
  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

    The gear-shaped icon appears only on the screen for the users with administrative privileges.

  2. Click Garoon System Administration.

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Workflow.

  5. Click Request forms.

  6. On the "Request forms" list screen, select a category.

  7. Select a checkbox for the request form to copy, and then click "Copy".

    The newly created request form is displayed at the bottom of the request form list.
    Image of a button to use to copy

  8. Change the contents of the request form as needed.