
"Space" is an application that allows the members from different organizations collaborate on projects.
Discussions, shared to-Dos, attachments, kintone apps, etc. are summarized in one, and the "who, when, and what to do" is clarified.
System administrator and the application administrators can set initial values of the way to make space public, and set categories.
You can limit the attachment file size in General Settings for Files.

Users who can manage spaces

The following users can manage spaces:

  • System administrators:
    Users who belong to the Administrators role (group).
  • Space application administrators:
    Users who are granted the administrative privileges to manage spaces from the system administrator.
    You can do the same tasks as the system administrator on the spaces.
  • Space Administrators:
    Member of the space who are granted the administrative privileges.
    If you do not set space administrators, all members of the space become space administrators.

The actions available on spaces for each type of administrator are as follows:

Action System administrators
Space application administrators
Space administrators
Setting categories  
Viewing private spaces  
Editing spaces
Editing memo in spaces
Moving spaces
Deleting spaces
Deleting spaces in bulk  
Adding folders
Editing folders
Deleting folders Can only delete a folder that does not contain any discussions. Can only delete a folder that does not contain any discussions.
Add discussions
Editing discussions
Moving discussions Can move discussions only within the same space. Can move discussions within the space you manage, and to another space of which you are a member.
Deleting discussions
Editing shared To-Dos
Deleting shared To-Dos
Deleting comments  
Deleting attachments  

Using Respond Feature

By using the respond feature, you can make a quick response to the message content or any comments.
Users can show their intention by clicking a link such as "Like" and "Acknowledged" without posting any comment.

Image of a comment answered using the respond feature

The following settings can be configured on the "Management" page in the system administration:

  • Activating or deactivating the respond feature:
    For details, refer to the "Using Applications" section.
  • Changing the Label Of "Like":
    For details, refer to Respond.