Features Available for Mobile View

When you access Garoon on your mobile device, you can use the mobile view, which is optimized for mobile devices.
On the mobile view, you can use the key features of Garoon.
This section describes the features available in the mobile view for each application.


The following features are available on the mobile view of Space.

  • View the spaces you are participating in (My Space)
  • View members of spaces
  • View discussions
  • Add discussions
  • Add To-Dos
  • Edit To-Dos
  • Complete To-Dos
  • Resume completed To-Dos
  • Post comments
  • Delete comments that you have posted
  • Post comments with mentioning the recipients
  • Copy permalinks of comments
    If you click the link you copied, the comments will be displayed in the PC view.
  • Attach files to body or comments
    Like in the PC view, you can select and attach multiple files.
  • Respond to body or comments


The following features are available on the mobile view of Scheduler.

  • View appointments on the week view screen
  • View appointments on the group day screen
  • View due dates for uncompleted To-Dos
  • Create regular, all day, and repeating appointments
  • Setting visibility of appointments
  • Setting "Shared with"
  • Fix tentative appointments
  • Edit appointments
  • Attach files to appointments
    Like in the PC view, you can select and attach multiple files.
  • Attend/leave appointments
    You can set whether to notify other attendees that you join or leave the appointment.
  • Reuse appointments
  • Delete appointments
  • Search for appointments of users and facilities
  • Post comments
  • Delete comments that you have posted
  • Post comments with mentioning the recipients
  • Copy permalinks of comments
    If you click the link you copied, the comments will be displayed in the PC view.
  • Respond to body or comments
  • Add appointments to Favorites


The following features are available on the mobile view of Messages.

  • View messages
  • Compose and send messages
  • Save drafts for messages
  • Post comments
  • Delete comments that you have posted
  • Post comments with mentioning the recipients
  • Copy permalinks of comments
    If you click the link you copied, the comments will be displayed in the PC view.
  • Attach files in comments
    Like in the PC view, you can select and attach multiple files.
  • Respond to body or comments
  • Add messages to Favorites

Bulletin Board

The following features are available on the mobile view of Bulletin Board.

  • View topic details from notifications
  • Post comments
  • Delete comments that you have posted
  • Post comments with mentioning the recipients
  • Copy permalinks of comments
    If you click the link you copied, the comments will be displayed in the PC view.
  • Attach files in comments
  • Respond to body or comments
  • Add topics to Favorites


The following features are available on the mobile view of E-mail.

  • View e-mails
  • Receive e-mails
  • Reply to e-mails
  • Forward e-mails
  • Resend e-mails
  • Compose and send e-mails
  • Attaching Files
    Like in the PC view, you can select and attach multiple files.
  • Send read receipts
  • Save e-mail drafts
  • Edit draft e-mails
  • Delete e-mails
  • Switch e-mail accounts
  • Mark read e-mails to unread
  • Filter with only unread e-mails
  • Add e-mails to Favorites


The following features are available on the mobile view of Workflow.

  • View request details from notifications
  • Approve, reject, send back, withdraw, cancel, and confirm requests


The following features are available on the mobile view of MultiReport.

  • View report details from notifications
  • Post comments
  • Delete comments that you have posted
  • Post comments with mentioning the recipients
  • Attach files in comments
  • Respond to body or comments
  • Add reports to Favorites


The following features are available on the mobile view of Notifications.

  • View notifications
  • Toggle the views of unread and read notifications
  • Marking Unread Notifications as Read
  • Filter notifications by application