Common system error
Errors that start with "GRN_CMMN_" are displayed when errors relating to Common system occur.
GRN_CMMN_00002:Processing has been cancelled.
- Cause
Processing cannot be completed because the value of one or more required items has not been entered. - Countermeasure
Enter the required items and try again.
GRN_CMMN_00003:The application is not available.
- Cause
The application you try to access has been deactivated, or the currently logged-in user is not allowed to use the application. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator or your operational administrator for the application.
GRN_CMMN_00004:The application is not available.
- Cause
The application has been deactivated, or the currently logged-in user is not allowed to use the application. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator or your operational administrator for the application.
GRN_CMMN_00005:You cannot perform this operation.
- Cause
To perform this operation, you need the privilege of system administration, application administration, or operational administration. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator, application administrator, or operational administrator for the application.
GRN_CMMN_00007:Failed to import the application file.
- Cause
There is no application file. - Countermeasure
Please contact our official partners or your vendor.
GRN_CMMN_00008:Failed to import the application file.
- Cause
Invalid application file. - Countermeasure
Please contact our official partners or your vendor.
GRN_CMMN_00010:Date is invalid.
- Cause
Cannot set due to the following reason.- The combination of start time and end time data is not valid.
- Countermeasure
Confirm whether or not the date is correct.
GRN_CMMN_00011:Failed to export the file.
- Cause
The specification of the data to be exported to a file is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target data.
GRN_CMMN_00012:Failed to import the CSV file.
- Cause
The CSV file format is invalid. - Countermeasure
Modify the data of the line number shown.
GRN_CMMN_00019:Cannot find the specified Web mailer.
- Cause
The specified Web mailer no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Change your E-mail address link, or contact your system administrator.
GRN_CMMN_00020:Failed to export the CSV file.
- Cause
The language to export has not been selected. - Countermeasure
Confirm the selection of language.
GRN_CMMN_00021:This application is not available.
- Cause
The application has been deactivated, or the currently logged-in user is not allowed to use the application from remote locations. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator or your operational administrator for the application.
GRN_CMMN_00022:You cannot perform this operation.
- Cause
To perform this operation, you need the privilege of system administration, basic system administration, or application administration. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator.
GRN_CMMN_00105:Cannot find the specified user.
- Cause
The user was specified incorrectly, or the user no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target user.
GRN_CMMN_00106:Cannot find the specified organization.
- Cause
The organization was specified incorrectly, or the organization no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target organization.
GRN_CMMN_00107:Cannot find the specified role.
- Cause
The role was specified incorrectly, or the role no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the details of the settings target you are specifying.
GRN_CMMN_00113:Failed to import the CSV file.
- Cause
Cannot find the specified CSV file. - Countermeasure
Specify the file correctly.
GRN_CMMN_00115:Cannot find the specified file.
- Cause
The file was specified incorrectly, or the file no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target file.
GRN_CMMN_00116:Failed to add the file.
- Cause
The file data could not be added correctly. - Countermeasure
Add the file again.
GRN_CMMN_00117:Cannot add the specified file.
- Cause
You are specifying a file that is not an image file. - Countermeasure
Add an image file whose format is .gif or .jpeg.
GRN_CMMN_00118:Cannot add the specified properties.
- Cause
The number of characters in the following property exceeds the range that can be added: ***. - Countermeasure
Reduce the number of characters, and add again.
GRN_CMMN_00119:Cannot find the specified type.
- Cause
The type was specified incorrectly, or the type no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target type.
GRN_CMMN_00120:Cannot find the specified item.
- Cause
The item was specified incorrectly, or the item no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target item.
GRN_CMMN_00151:Item code is duplicated.
- Cause
The following item code cannot be used because it has been set already for another item: ***. - Countermeasure
A duplicate item code cannot be set.
Specify a unique item code.
GRN_CMMN_00155:Item code is invalid.
- Cause
The following Item code uses illegal characters: ***. - Countermeasure
Use single-byte letters, numbers, or _ (underscores).
GRN_CMMN_00157:Cannot process.
- Cause
Multiple deletes of user data cannot be executed at the same time. - Countermeasure
After the delete processing that is running is complete, try processing again.
GRN_CMMN_00170:Cannot select the file.
- Cause
The specified file ID is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the file ID of the target file.
GRN_CMMN_00171:Cannot detect the file.
- Cause
The specified user ID is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm user ID.
GRN_CMMN_00172:Cannot select the file.
- Cause
Cannot find the specified file. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target file.
GRN_CMMN_00173:Cannot find the specified group.
- Cause
The group was specified incorrectly, or the specified group no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm My groups.
GRN_CMMN_00174:Failed to set operational administrative privileges.
- Cause
The user, organization, or role you want to set operational administrative privileges for has not been selected. - Countermeasure
Select a user, organization, or role.
GRN_CMMN_00175:An invalid operational administrative privilege has been specified.
- Cause
The user, organization, or role was specified incorrectly, or no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Select a user, organization, or role.
GRN_CMMN_00179:Cannot process.
- Cause
The specified users are still active. - Countermeasure
You cannot specify users who are active in Garoon. Delete users, and then try again.
GRN_CMMN_00180:Cannot perform the requested action.
- Cause
The specified user is inactive. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator.
GRN_CMMN_00201:Cannot save the file.
- Cause
The file size of the file the user is attempting to save exceeds the following limit: ***.
The file cannot be saved because the file size limit for saving files is set at the following limit: ***. - Countermeasure
Reduce the size of the file you are attempting to save to a value below the limit, or Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.
GRN_CMMN_00202:Cannot perform actions on this file.
- Cause
The specified file is locked because it is in use by another user. - Countermeasure
Confirm the current state of the file.
GRN_CMMN_00203:Failed to add the file.
- Cause
A file has not been specified. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target file, and add again.
GRN_CMMN_00204:Cannot add MIME type.
- Cause
The specified extension has already been set for another MIME type. - Countermeasure
Change the MIME type that has already been set.
GRN_CMMN_00205:Failed to add MIME type.
- Cause
Extension, which is a required item, has not been set. - Countermeasure
Set the extension.
GRN_CMMN_00206:Cannot add MIME type.
- Cause
MIME type, which is a required item, has not been set. - Countermeasure
Set the MIME type.
GRN_CMMN_00207:Cannot find the specified MIME type.
- Cause
The MIME type may already have been deleted. - Countermeasure
Confirm whether the target MIME type exists.
GRN_CMMN_00301:"Notification service" is not available.
- Cause
"Notification service" has been deactivated, or the currently logged-in user is not allowed to use the application. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator or your operational administrator for the application.
GRN_CMMN_00302:Cannot save notification data.
- Cause
The currently logged-in user is not permitted to save notification data. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.
GRN_CMMN_00303:Cannot save the confirmed notification data.
- Cause
The currently logged-in user is not permitted to save confirmed notification data. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.
GRN_CMMN_00304:Cannot delete the specified notification data.
- Cause
The currently logged-in user is not permitted to delete this notification data. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.
GRN_CMMN_00305:Cannot delete confirmed notification data.
- Cause
The currently logged-in user is not permitted to delete data from the database. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator.
If the problem is not resolved, copy the error message shown clearly and please contact our official partners or your vendor.
GRN_CMMN_00306:Failed to obtain profile data.
- Cause
The currently logged-in user is not permitted to import data from the database. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator.
If the problem is not resolved, copy the error message shown clearly and please contact our official partners or your vendor.
GRN_CMMN_00307:Failed to update profile data.
- Cause
Data could not be written on the database. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator.
If the problem is not resolved, copy the error message shown clearly and please contact our official partners or your vendor.
GRN_CMMN_00308:Cannot set save period.
- Cause
The save period that you are attempting set exceeds the period allowed by the system. - Countermeasure
Set a period within the range allowed by the system.
GRN_CMMN_00350:Failed to change external notification code.
- Cause
The external notification code is invalid. - Countermeasure
You must specify at least one or more characters for the external notification code.
GRN_CMMN_00352:Cannot change external notification code.
- Cause
You are specifying an existing external notification code. - Countermeasure
A duplicate external notification code cannot be set.
Specify a unique external notification code.
GRN_CMMN_02001:Cannot open the system administrator software library directory.
- Cause
Could not open the following directory: ***. - Countermeasure
Confirm that you have selected the directory you want and that you have user rights for the directory.
GRN_CMMN_02002:Cannot select applications. The specified application ID is invalid.
- Cause
The application was specified incorrectly, or the application no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target application.
GRN_CMMN_02003:Cannot select organization. The specified organization ID is invalid.
- Cause
The organization was specified incorrectly, or the organization no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target organization.
GRN_CMMN_02004:Cannot select role. The specified role ID is invalid.
- Cause
The role was specified incorrectly, or the role no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the details of the settings target you are specifying.
GRN_CMMN_02005:Cannot select user. The specified user ID is invalid.
- Cause
The user was specified incorrectly, or the user no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target user.
GRN_CMMN_02006:Cannot select user.
- Cause
The user was specified incorrectly. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target user.
GRN_CMMN_02007:Cannot detect form data.
- Cause
The operation cannot be carried out because the entered data is incorrect or for some other reason. - Countermeasure
Return to the previous screen, and redo the operation from the beginning.
GRN_CMMN_02008:Cannot find the specified administrative user.
- Cause
The basic system administrator user may have been deleted already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target administrative user, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02009:Cannot find the specified administrator organization.
- Cause
The basic system administrator organization may have been deleted already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target administrative organization, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02010:Cannot find the specified administrator role.
- Cause
The basic system administrator role may have been deleted already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target administrative role, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02011:Cannot find the specified administrative user.
- Cause
The Application administrator user may have been deleted already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target administrative user, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02012:Cannot find the specified administrator organization.
- Cause
The Application administrator organization may have been deleted already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target administrative organization, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02013:Cannot find the specified administrator role.
- Cause
The Application administrator role may have been deleted already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target administrative role, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02014:Cannot find the specified user.
- Cause
The user may have been deleted already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target user, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02015:Cannot find the specified organization.
- Cause
The organization may have been deleted already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target organization, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02016:Cannot find the specified role.
- Cause
The role may have been deleted already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target role, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02017:Cannot set time range.
- Cause
The selected time range items exceed 10. - Countermeasure
Select up to 10 items for the time range.
GRN_CMMN_02101:Cannot open personal settings software library directory.
- Cause
Could not open the following directory: ***. - Countermeasure
Confirm that you have selected the directory you want and that you have user rights for the directory.
GRN_CMMN_02102:Cannot select My group. The specified My group ID is invalid.
- Cause
The My group was specified incorrectly, or the My group no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm My groups.
GRN_CMMN_02103:Cannot find the specified group.
- Cause
The group was specified incorrectly, or the specified group no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm My groups.
GRN_CMMN_02104:Cannot add or edit My group.
- Cause
You are attempting to add or edit a group without entering the group name, which is a required field. - Countermeasure
Confirm the details entered for the group name.
GRN_CMMN_02105:Cannot change the specified user information.
- Cause
The specified user ID is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the user ID of the target user.
GRN_CMMN_02106:Cannot add or edit My group.
- Cause
The currently logged-in user does not have the right to view the user or the facility to be included in the My group. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.
GRN_CMMN_02201:Help operation failed.
- Cause
The help URL was specified incorrectly, or it has not been specified in the URL. - Countermeasure
Close the help once, and display the help again from the link on the screen.
GRN_CMMN_02202:Help operation failed.
- Cause
The Help tab was specified incorrectly, or the tab has not been specified. - Countermeasure
Close the help once, and display the help again from the link on the screen.
GRN_CMMN_02203:Help operation failed.
- Cause
The Help category was specified incorrectly, or the category has not been specified. - Countermeasure
Close the help once, and display the help again from the link on the screen.
GRN_CMMN_02301:Calendar operation failed.
- Cause
An existing calendar name has been specified. - Countermeasure
A duplicate calendar name cannot be set.
Specify a unique calendar name.
GRN_CMMN_02302:Cannot find the specified calendar.
- Cause
The calendar was specified incorrectly, or the calendar no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target calendar.
GRN_CMMN_02303:Failed to add the event.
- Cause
An event already exists for the specified date. - Countermeasure
Edit details, or add an event after deleting the duplicate event.
GRN_CMMN_02304:Cannot find the event.
- Cause
The event was specified incorrectly, or the specified holiday no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target event.
GRN_CMMN_02305:Failed to add the event.
- Cause
No event details have been specified. - Countermeasure
Set event details.
GRN_CMMN_02306:Failed to import the calendar information CSV file.
- Cause
The CSV file format is invalid. - Countermeasure
Modify the data of the appropriate row number.
GRN_CMMN_02307:Calendar operation failed.
- Cause
The calendar name was specified incorrectly, or the calendar name has not been specified. - Countermeasure
Confirm the details entered for the calendar name.
GRN_CMMN_02308:Cannot add the event.
- Cause
The value of event type is incorrect. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target event type.
GRN_CMMN_02309:Failed to set up events.
- Cause
The event details exceed the following maximum number of characters: ***. - Countermeasure
Reduce the number of characters in the event details, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02310:Cannot set the specified calendar code.
- Cause
You are specifying an existing calendar code. - Countermeasure
A duplicate calendar code cannot be set.
Specify a unique calendar code.
GRN_CMMN_02311:Failed to update the calendar.
- Cause
Cannot retrieve the holidays. - Countermeasure
Contact our official partners or your vendor.
GRN_CMMN_02312:Failed to update the calendar.
- Cause
Invalid holiday data. - Countermeasure
Contact our official partners or your vendor.
GRN_CMMN_02401:Failed to set up proxy server.
- Cause
The proxy server name is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the proxy server name, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02402:Failed to set up proxy server.
- Cause
The proxy server port number is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the proxy server's port number, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02403:Failed to set up proxy server.
- Cause
The address exception format is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the address exception format, and set again.
When entering more than one IP address, separate with a "; (semi-colon)".
GRN_CMMN_02404:Failed to set up system mail account.
- Cause
The outgoing mail server name (SMTP) is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the outgoing mail server name (SMTP), and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02405:Failed to set up system mail account.
- Cause
The outgoing mail server port number is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the outgoing mail server's port number, and try to set again.
GRN_CMMN_02406:Failed to set up system mail account.
- Cause
The name of the account for sending is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the name of the account for sending, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02407:Failed to set up system mail account.
- Cause
The incoming mail server port name is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the incoming mail server name, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02408:Failed to set up system mail account.
- Cause
The incoming mail server port number is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the incoming mail server's port number, and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02409:Failed to set up system mail account.
- Cause
The name of the account for receiving (POP3 account) is invalid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the name of the account for receiving (POP3 Account), and set again.
GRN_CMMN_02410:Failed to connect to the outgoing mail server.
- Cause
Response from mail server: *** - Countermeasure
Confirm whether or not the outgoing mail server name (SMTP) and the outgoing mail server port number are correct in the system mail account settings.
GRN_CMMN_02411:Failed to connect to the incoming mail server.
- Cause
Response from mail server: *** - Countermeasure
Confirm whether or not the incoming mail server name (SMTP) and the incoming mail server port number are correct in the system mail account settings.
GRN_CMMN_02413:Failed to set up the system e-mail account.
- Cause
The e-mail server is not valid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the e-mail server and try again.
GRN_CMMN_02414:Cannot find the selected OAuth client.
- Cause
The selected OAuth client is incorrect or no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Select the OAuth client again.
GRN_CMMN_02415:Cannot display the page.
- Cause
An invalid request may have been submitted. - Countermeasure
Reload the page and try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
GRN_CMMN_02416:Failed to set up the system e-mail account.
- Cause
The value of the time-out period is not valid. - Countermeasure
Confirm the time-out period and try again.
GRN_CMMN_02417:Cannot display the profile.
- Cause
The user or organization information cannot be retrieved.
GRN_CMMN_02500:Cannot open the license management software library directory.
- Cause
Could not open the following directory: ***. - Countermeasure
Confirm that you have selected the directory you want and that you have user rights for the directory.
GRN_CMMN_02511:Cannot display this screen.
- Cause
The service license has expired. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator.
GRN_CMMN_02601:The specified menu does not exist.
- Cause
The menu was specified incorrectly, or the menu no longer exists already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target menu.
GRN_CMMN_02602:The specified icon does not exist.
- Cause
The icon was specified incorrectly, or the icon no longer exists already. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target icon.
GRN_CMMN_02702:Cannot find the specified file.
- Cause
The session is invalid and the temporary file no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Try again from the beginning.
GRN_CMMN_02705:Failed to import the CSV file.
- Cause
The file contains invalid data. - Countermeasure
Check the contents of the file.
GRN_CMMN_02706:Failed to import the CSV file.
- Cause
The number of fields in the file is wrong. - Countermeasure
Check the contents of the file.
GRN_CMMN_02707:Failed to import the CSV file.
- Cause
The file contains a user, organization, or role that does not exist in Garoon. - Countermeasure
Confirm the specified user, organization, or role.
GRN_CMMN_02708:Failed to import the CSV file.
- Cause
An invalid user, organization, or role was specified. - Countermeasure
Confirm the specified user, organization, or role.
GRN_CMMN_02709:Cannot change the setting.
- Cause
The user, organization, or role specified as the target is incorrect, or no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target.
GRN_CMMN_02901:You cannot specify roles.
- Cause
Roles are not allowed to be selected. - Countermeasure
Remove the roles from your choices.
GRN_CMMN_02902:Cannot specify the Administrators role.
- Cause
The Administrators role is not allowed to be assigned. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator.
GRN_CMMN_03000:Cannot find the specified customization group.
- Cause
The group was specified incorrectly, or the group no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target group.
GRN_CMMN_03001:Cannot find the specified proxy configuration.
- Cause
The proxy configuration was specified incorrectly, or the configuration no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target proxy configuration.
GRN_CMMN_03002:Cannot save the proxy configuration.
- Cause
You are specifying an existing proxy code. - Countermeasure
A duplicate proxy code cannot be set.
Specify a unique proxy code.
GRN_CMMN_03003:Cannot use proxy API.
- Cause
Proxy API is temporarily disabled. - Countermeasure
Please contact us.
GRN_CMMN_03004:Cannot save the proxy configuration.
- Cause
The URL is invalid. - Countermeasure
Enter the valid URL.
GRN_CMMN_03005:The request cannot be sent.
- Cause
The specified proxy configuration has been inactive, or the configuration no longer exists. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target proxy configuration.
GRN_CMMN_03006:The request cannot be sent.
- Cause
The value in the parameter does not match in that in the "Proxy configuration details" page. - Countermeasure
Confirm the target proxy configuration.
GRN_CMMN_03007:Cannot download the file.
- Cause
You are not included in the target to which the customization is applied. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator.
GRN_CMMN_03008:An error occurred while connecting to the proxy API.
- Cause
Failed to access the specified URL. - Countermeasure
Confirm the specified URL parameter and the communication condition.
GRN_CMMN_03009:An error occurred while executing the JavaScript for the customization.
- Cause
"***" is invalid. - Countermeasure
Contact your system administrator.
GRN_CMMN_03010:Failed to connect to kintone.
- Cause
An error occurred in kintone. Error code: ***. Error Message: *** - Countermeasure
Confirm the connection to kintone.
GRN_CMMN_03011:Failed to connect to kintone.
- Cause
kintone is not available. - Countermeasure
Confirm kintone is ready to use.
GRN_CMMN_03012:Failed to import the XML file.
- Cause
*** must begin with "https://". - Countermeasure
Confirm the data description in the XML file and try again.
GRN_CMMN_03013:Failed to import the XML file.
- Cause
*** must be specified as an URL which is less than or equal to *** characters including "https://". - Countermeasure
Confirm the data description in the XML file and try again.
GRN_CMMN_03014:Failed to import the XML file.
- Cause
A maximum of *** files and links can be registered. - Countermeasure
Confirm the data description in the XML file and try again.
GRN_CMMN_03015:Failed to import the XML file.
- Cause
Only the following value(s) can be specified for ***. [***] - Countermeasure
Confirm the data description in the XML file and try again.
GRN_CMMN_03016:Failed to import the XML file.
- Cause
*** is not specified. - Countermeasure
Confirm the data description in the XML file and try again.
GRN_CMMN_03017:Failed to import the XML file.
- Cause
The file format and extension of *** do not match. - Countermeasure
Confirm the data description in the XML file and try again.
GRN_CMMN_03018:Failed to import the XML file.
- Cause
*** is not specified. - Countermeasure
Confirm the data description in the XML file and try again.
GRN_CMMN_03019:Failed to import the XML file.
- Cause
The file size of *** exceeds the following limit: ***. - Countermeasure
Confirm the data description in the XML file and try again.
GRN_CMMN_03020:Failed to import the XML file.
- Cause
Contents of JavaScript file or CSS file are not described in ***. - Countermeasure
Confirm the data description in the XML file and try again.
GRN_CMMN_03021:An error occurred while executing the JavaScript for the customization.
- Cause
An operational issue exists in your entry. - Countermeasure
GRN_CMMN_04000:Failed to import the XML file.
- Cause
*** is required for *** element. - Countermeasure
Confirm the data written in the XML file, and import the file again.