Bulletin Board application error

Errors that start with "GRN_BLLT_" are displayed when errors relating to Bulletin Board occur.

GRN_BLLT_16001:"Bulletin board" is not available.

  • Cause
    "Bulletin board" has been deactivated, or the currently logged-in user is not allowed to use the application.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator or your operational administrator for the application.

GRN_BLLT_16002:Cannot find the specified category.

  • Cause
    The category was specified incorrectly, or the category no longer exists.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the target category.

GRN_BLLT_16003:Cannot find the specified bulletin.

  • Cause
    The bulletin was specified incorrectly, or the bulletin no longer exists.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the target bulletin.

GRN_BLLT_16004:Cannot find the specified comment.

  • Cause
    The comment was specified incorrectly, or the comment no longer exists.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the target comment.

GRN_BLLT_16005:Cannot find specified draft.

  • Cause
    The draft was specified incorrectly, or the draft no longer exists.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the target draft.

GRN_BLLT_16006:Bulletin period is invalid.

  • Cause
    A date and time in the past has been specified in the bulletin start date or end date, or a date and time after the end date has been specified for the start date.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the bulletin period.

GRN_BLLT_16007:Cannot find the specified parent category.

  • Cause
    The category was specified incorrectly, or the category no longer exists.
  • Countermeasure
    Select the parent category where you want to move the category.

GRN_BLLT_16008:This bulletin board has been made public already.

  • Cause
    The bulletin has been made public because the start day is already passed.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the bulletin and bulletin period.

GRN_BLLT_16009:Cannot delete this category.

  • Cause
    The category cannot be deleted because there is a subcategory or bulletin in the specified category.
  • Countermeasure
    Delete a category after removing any subcategories or bulletins.

GRN_BLLT_16010:Cannot delete this category.

  • Cause
    The specified category is a system-specific category.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm category specification.

GRN_BLLT_16011:Cannot change this bulletin board.

  • Cause
    You are attempting to change a bulletin whose bulletin period has passed.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the target bulletin's bulletin period.

GRN_BLLT_16012:Cannot find the specified attachment.

  • Cause
    The attachment was specified incorrectly, or the attachment no longer exists.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the target attachment.

GRN_BLLT_16013:Cannot find the specified attachment history.

  • Cause
    The attachment's history was specified incorrectly, or the history no longer exists due to the removal of version control function.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the attachment history again.

GRN_BLLT_16014:Cannot move the category into the specified parent category.

  • Cause
    You have tried to move the category into the category which has the same parent category, or into the lower level category than the current one.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the parent category where you want to move the category.

GRN_BLLT_16015:Cannot delete the specified comment.

  • Cause
    Only the commenter can delete a comment.
  • Countermeasure
    Ask the commenter to delete the comment.

GRN_BLLT_16016:Cannot post this comment.

  • Cause
    There are no comment details.
  • Countermeasure
    Enter the details of the comment.

GRN_BLLT_16017:Cannot add this category.

  • Cause
    The category's category code is the same as an existing category code.
  • Countermeasure
    A duplicate category code cannot be set.
    Specify a unique category code.

GRN_BLLT_16018:Cannot view this bulletin board.

  • Cause
    You are attempting to view a bulletin outside the bulletin period.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the target bulletin.

GRN_BLLT_16019:Security model is invalid.

  • Cause
    The security model was specified incorrectly, or an unexpected character has been used in the security model settings.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the value you want to specify for the security model.

GRN_BLLT_16020:An unknown value has been specified for the target of the user right.

  • Cause
    The target of the user rights was specified incorrectly.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the settings target of the user rights.

GRN_BLLT_16021:An unknown value has been specified in user rights.

  • Cause
    The value of the user rights was set incorrectly.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the values set for the user rights.

GRN_BLLT_16022:Category code is invalid.

  • Cause
    The category code has not been specified, or the specified code is invalid.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the category code.

GRN_BLLT_16050:Cannot view this bulletin board.

  • Cause
    The currently logged-in user is not permitted to view this category's bulletins.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16051:Cannot write to the bulletin board in this category.

  • Cause
    The currently logged-in user is not permitted to write bulletins in this category.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16052:Cannot post comments to this bulletin board.

  • Cause
    The currently logged-in user is not permitted to post comments in the bulletins in this category.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16053:Failed to set user rights.

  • Cause
    The target you want to add the user rights to has not been selected.
  • Countermeasure
    Select the object you want to add.

GRN_BLLT_16054:Cannot add operational administrative privileges.

  • Cause
    The target you want to add operational administrative user rights to has not been selected.
  • Countermeasure
    Select the object you want to add.

GRN_BLLT_16055:Cannot access the specified screen.

  • Cause
    Operational administrative privileges are required to perform this operation.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16056:User rights cannot be changed.

  • Cause
    View privileges cannot be revoked for a user with user rights who is currently logged-in.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the details of the user right settings.

GRN_BLLT_16057:Cannot change administrative privileges.

  • Cause
    Operational administrative privileges for a logged-in user cannot be revoked.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the administrative privilege settings.

GRN_BLLT_16058:Cannot delete bulletin.

  • Cause
    The specified last updated for the bulletin you want to delete is invalid.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm last updated specification.

GRN_BLLT_16059:Cannot delete.

  • Cause
    You are not authorized to delete.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16060:Cannot move.

  • Cause
    You are not authorized to move.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16061:Cannot move.

  • Cause
    There is no category to which a move can be made.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16062:Cannot change bulletin period.

  • Cause
    The currently logged-in user is not permitted to change this bulletin's bulletin period.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16063:Cannot change.

  • Cause
    You are not permitted to make changes.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator or your Application administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16064:There is no subcategory for the specified category.

  • Cause
    The category was specified incorrectly, or the category no longer exists.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the target category.

GRN_BLLT_16065:Cannot specify this update notification setting.

  • Cause
    When importing update notification settings from a CSV file, characters other than the pre-determined characters cannot be specified in the third item.
  • Countermeasure
    Set the following update notification.
    • 0
    • 1

GRN_BLLT_16066:An invalid settings item has been specified.

  • Cause
    The following item cannot be used: ***.
  • Countermeasure
    Set the following items.
    • user
    • group
    • dynamic_role
    • role

GRN_BLLT_16068:Invalid operation.

  • Cause
    Simultaneous operations on the same *** are not allowed.
  • Countermeasure
    Please contact our official partners or your vendor.

GRN_BLLT_16069:Subject is empty.

  • Cause
    Subject is required.
  • Countermeasure
    Enter the subject.

GRN_BLLT_16070:Cannot add a comment.

  • Cause
    This topic is not allowed to add comment.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the adding comment privilege.

GRN_BLLT_16071:Failed to create notification of new topic.

  • Cause
    The notification that informs a new topic with a public period specified is published could not be created for some reason.
  • Countermeasure
    Post a comment to the topic or update the topic to create a new notification.

GRN_BLLT_16072:Cannot set the maintainers.

  • Cause
    The users specified as the maintainers do not have the write permission for topics in this category.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16073:"From" is empty.

  • Cause
    When "Manually enter" is selected for "From", the field must be entered manually.
  • Countermeasure
    Enter the "From" field.

GRN_BLLT_16074:Failed to set the operational administrative privileges.

  • Cause
    The target of the operational administrative privileges was specified incorrectly.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the target of the operational administrative privileges.

GRN_BLLT_16075:Failed to set the operational administrative privileges.

  • Cause
    The item of the operational administrative privileges was specified incorrectly.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the item of the operational administrative privileges.

GRN_BLLT_16076:Cannot display access permissions.

  • Cause
    You are not allowed to display access permissions.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16077:Cannot display notification recipients.

  • Cause
    You are not allowed to display notification recipients.
  • Countermeasure
    Contact your system administrator.

GRN_BLLT_16078:Cannot apply "User rights settings" or "Notification settings" of the parent category.

  • Cause
    The currently logged-in user does not have the operational administrative privileges for the parent category.
  • Countermeasure
    Confirm the settings of the operational administrative privileges for the parent category.

GRN_BLLT_16079:Cannot post this comment.

  • Cause
    The following user(s) specified as recipients do not have permission to access the topic:
  • Countermeasure
    Remove the users listed in the Cause field (who do not have permission to access the topic) from recipients, then post the comment.