Adding a Portal from a Template

You can add portals using templates provided by Cybozu.
Each template has different kinds of portlets already. Choosing the best template that matches your needs enables you to create a portlet easily.
You can also change the portal content as needed, even after you add the portal.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

    The gear-shaped icon appears only on the screen for the users with administrative privileges.

  2. Click Garoon System Administration.

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Portal.

  5. Click Portals.

  6. On the screen for a portal list, click New.

    Screenshot: The "Portals" screen with the "New" action link being highlighted

  7. In the "Add portal" screen, select a portal template to add.

    For details of each template, refer to Portal Gallery Site.
    Screenshot: The "Add portal" screen
    a): When you click the thumbnail, the image of that template is displayed. You can confirm the image of the portal when it is deployed.
    b): You can access the Portal Gallery site (Cybozu site) by clicking Show details. In the site, you can check the details of the template.

  8. Click Add for the template to add. Screenshot: The "Add portal" screen with the "Add" button highlighted

    The portal you selected is added to the "Portals" screen.
    portal you added

  9. Change the portlet settings and make the portlet public if necessary.

    Please refer the following page for details.

  10. Change the portal settings and make the portal public if necessary.

    Please refer the following page for details.