Logs of Request Form Information
Action | Level | log |
Changing the Notes for administrators | Information | [modify] form_memo_modify (fid:**, admin_memo:**) |
Changing request form Information | Information | [modify] form_modify (fid:**, name:**, foreign_key:**, memo:**, auto_export:**, export_folder:**) |
Moving Request Forms | Information | [modify] form_move (cid:**, s_cid:**, fid:**) |
Enable/Disable Request form | Information | [modify] form_activate (fid:**, active:**) |
Deleting a request form | Information | [delete] form_delete (fid:**) |
Icon Settings | Information | [modify] form_icon_modify (icon_id:**, icon_type:**, icon_url:**) |
Request Number Settings | Information | [modify] form_serial_modify (fid:**, serial_type:**, serial_format:**) |
Request Number Initialization | Information | [modify] form_serial_initialize (fid:**, serial_number:**) |
Approval number settings | Information | [modify]form_serial_modify(fid:**, serial_type:**, serial_format:**, approved_serial_type:**, approved_serial_format:**) |
Change the initial approval number. | Information | [modify]form_approved_serial_initialize(fid:**, approved_serial_number:**) |
Changing the JavaScript and CSS customization | Information | [modify] customization (fid:**, apply_status:'**', js_1:'**', css_1;'**') |
Properties (in alphabetical order) |
Meaning | Remarks |
active | Enable/Disable the Request form flag | One of the following values is displayed:
admin_memo | Notes for Administrators | |
apply_status | JavaScript and CSS customization | One of the following values is displayed:
approved_serial_format | Approval number format | |
approved_serial_type | Approval numbering | One of the following values is displayed:
cid | Category ID | |
css_[integer starting from 1] | Files and links to be applied in CSS customization | |
fid | Request form ID | |
foreign_key | Request Form Code | |
icon_id | Icon ID | |
icon_type | Icon Type | Displays one of the following values:
icon_url | Specified URL | |
js_[integer starting from 1] | Files and links to be applied in the JavaScript customization | |
memo | Description | |
name | Request Form Name | |
s_cid | Parent category ID | |
serial_format | Request number format | |
serial_number | New request Number | |
serial_type | Request numbering | Displays one of the following values: