Points to Check before Customization

This section describes items that must be checked before customization.

Before Setting Up

  • The customization function is available only for PC view.
  • To create a program using JavaScript, use the API.
    For details on API specifications and the way to use it, refer to the instruction page on cybozu developer network.
  • For details on the API specifications, contact Cybozu technical support via Inquiry on Garoon API form of Help page on the product site.
  • If you have difficulty developing programs such as JavaScript using APIs on your own, please contact Cybozu official partner.
    You can search Cybozu Partner Network to find a partner.


  • We shall not be liable for any impacts on performance or damages caused by customization.
    Customers shall take responsibility for any customizations by loading JavaScript files or CSS files.
    Be noted that Cybozu shall not take responsibility to support such a customized function.
    For details, refer to Privacy Policy.
  • Cybozu does not offer any customization services, regardless of whether with or without charge. Please understand this.
  • Cybozu may suspend the provision of the services and Garoon if the customizations by loading JavaScript files or CSS files caused significant loads or damages on Users & System service.
    Customers must fully understand the instructions on customization and thoroughly prepared for it.
  • The JavaScript and CSS may cause errors at loading if you have processed DOM operations, or have used the JavaScript libraries used by Garoon and Garoon is updated after that.
    Customers must ensure that the customization works correctly and modify it as needed, then reload the modified JavaScript files or CSS files at Garoon updates.
  • The copyrights of Cybozu products belong to Cybozu, Inc.

Introduction to Customization Examples

The customization examples are introduced in the product site and the cybozu developer network page. For details, refer to the following section:

Screens Applicable to Customizations

This section describes screens where customized items are applied.
However, the screens to which the customizations are applied may differ depending on the functions of the API you use.

For Overall Garoon

Customized items are applied to user interfaces in PC view.
Customizations does not apply to the following screens:

  • System administration screens
  • Operational Administration Screen
  • Personal Settings Screen
  • Login screen
  • Pop-up window
    However, the customization is also applied to pop-up windows in "Compose E-mail" screen.

For Portals

The portal can be customized only for HTML portlets.
Customized items are applied to the following screens:

  • The "Portal" screen with HTML portlets
  • Preview screens displayed from the System Administration screens or from the Operational Administration screen
  • My Portal preview screens displayed from Personal settings screen

For Scheduler

The customized items are applied to the following screens in the scheduler:
Only the preview screen allows you to view the customized results from the portal and My Portal Settings screen.
The customized results are not shown on the "Portal settings" screen and the "My Portal settings" screen.

  • Group Day view
  • Group Week view
  • Day view
  • Week view
  • Month view
  • "New appointment" screen
  • "Change appointment" screen
  • "Appointment details screen
  • The "Portal" screen with the following portlets:
    • Scheduler (Group Day view)
    • Scheduler (Group Week view)
    • Scheduler (Day view)
    • Scheduler (Week view)
    • Scheduler (Month view)
  • Portal Preview screen displayed from the System administration screen
  • My Portal preview screens displayed from Personal settings screen

Customizations may not apply to the following appointments depending on the function of the API you use:

  • Tentative appointments
  • Appointments added using a pop-up window displayed on the "Scheduler" screen

For Messages

The customized items are applied to the following screens in the message:

  • Create Messages screen
  • Reuse messages screen
  • Change Message Recipients screen
  • "Edit/send draft" screen

For E-mails

The customized items are applied to the following screens in the E-mail:

  • "Compose E-mail" screen
  • "Reply E-mail" screen
  • "Reply E-mail to all" screen
  • "Forward E-mail" screen
  • "Resend E-mail" screen
  • "Edit/send draft" screen

For Workflows

The customized items are applied to the following screens in the workflow:

  • Request details screen
  • Applicant screen
  • Approver screen
  • Acknowledger screen
  • Print screen
  • Preview screens displayed from the System Administration screens or from the Operational Administration screen

Priority in Customizations

The JavaScript files and the CSS files are imported in the following order:

  • JavaScript files and CSS files for Garoon products
  • JavaScript files and CSS files configured in Garoon General Customization function
  • JavaScript files and CSS files that are set in the customization function of each application