Setting up Proxies

Set a delegate for the user. If you set up proxies, other users will be able to process requests in absence of request applicants or processors.

For each user, you can set up a proxy applicant and a proxy approver.
The same user can be both the proxy applicant and the proxy approver.
The following actions can be performed by the delegated applicant for requests submitted by proxy

  • View
  • Withdraw
  • Cancel
  • Reuse
  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

    The gear-shaped icon appears only on the screen for the users with administrative privileges.

  2. Click Garoon System Administration.

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Workflow.

  5. Click Proxy settings.

  6. On the screen to set proxies, select the organization, and click "Edit" for a user to add proxies.

    Image of the edit link surrounded by the red rectangle box

  7. On the "Change Delegate" screen, select a proxy or proxy approver, and then click Add.

    You can also set up only either of a proxy applicant or a proxy approver.
    To delete any proxies, select the proxy applicant or the proxy approver, and then click "Delete".
    Image with additional actions linked

  8. Confirm your settings and click Save.