kintone Connector Portlets

The following types of portlets are available in the kintone connector portlets.

  • "kintone Chart" portlet
  • "kintone Notifications" portlet
  • "kintone Assigned to Me" portlet

"kintone Chart" portlet

A portlet that displays kintone chart. By specifying the chart's URL, you can view the kintone data without accessing kintone.

"kintone Chart" Portlet

For details on creating charts in kintone, refer to the following articles in kintone Help.

Setting Options for Portlets

"Portlet settings" (kintone chart)" screen

  • URL of kintone chart:
    Enter the URL of the chart saved in kintone app.
  • Chart size:
    Select the size of the chart to display.
    You can select from the following sizes:
    • Large (Width: 800px, Height: 600px)
    • Medium (Width: 600px, Height: 450px)
    • Small (Width: 400px, Height: 300px)

"kintone Notifications" Portlet

A portlet that displays kintone notifications.
This type of portlet is available only for users who are using kintone.

"kintone Notifications" Portlet

You can switch the views between unread and read notifications.
You can also select filter conditions for notifications to change notifications to be displayed.

Screenshot: The "kintone notifications" portlet with a notification filter applied

You can use the following filters to narrow down the notifications:

  • To me
  • Flagged
  • All
  • Notification filters which users created
Setting Options for Portlets

This portlet has no "portlet settings".

"kintone Assigned to Me" Portlet

This is a portlet to display "Assigned to Me" list of kintone portal on Garoon. This portlet enables you to check whether you have any tasks assigned to you on the kintone apps, from the portal on Garoon.

"kintone Assigned to Me" Portlet

Setting Options for Portlets

This portlet has no "portlet settings".