Logs of General Settings for Scheduler
Action | Level | log |
Unit of time to make appointments (reservations) | Information | [config] common (second_unit:**) |
Repeating appointment periods | Information | [config] common (repeat_limit:**) |
Allow private appointments Default private Appointments |
Information | [config] common (use_private:'**', visibility_default:'**') |
Visibility of private appointments | Information | [config] common (hidden_private:'**') |
Specifying organizations/roles for the "Shared with" users | Information | [config] common (allow_setting_group_role_to_watchers:'**') |
Notifications to the "Shared with" users | Information | [config] common (managed_notify:'**') |
Shared appointments | Information | [config] common (show_shared_appointment:'**') |
Visibility of appointment of organizations | Information | [config] common (use_oganize:'**') |
Visibility of holidays | Information | [config] common (show_holiday:'**') |
View all facilities | Information | [config] common (show_all_facility:'**') |
Visibility of facility names | Information | [config] common (show_facility_name:'**', position_facility_name_at:'**') |
Attaching Files | Information | [config] common (allow_file_attachment:'**') |
Use attendance response request | Information | [config] common (allow_attendance_check:'**', default_value_attendance_check:'**') |
Properties (in alphabetical order) |
Meaning | Remarks |
allow_attendance_check | Attendance | One of the following values is displayed:
allow_file_attachment | Allow file attachment | One of the following values is displayed:
allow_setting_group_role_to_watchers | Specify organizations/roles for the "Shared with" users | One of the following values is displayed:
default_value_attendance_check | Default value for allowing the response request feature | One of the following values is displayed:
hidden_private | Visibility of private appointments | One of the following values is displayed:
managed_notify | Notifications to the "Shared with" users | One of the following values is displayed:
position_facility_name_at | Facility Name Placement | One of the following values is displayed:
repeat_limit | Repeating appointment periods | |
second_unit | Unit of time to make appointments (reservations) | |
show_facility_name | Visibility of facility names | One of the following values is displayed:
show_holiday | Visibility of holidays | One of the following values is displayed:
show_shared_appointment | Shared appointments | One of the following values is displayed:
use_oganize | Visibility of appointment of organizations | One of the following values is displayed:
use_private | Allow private appointments | One of the following values is displayed:
visibility_default | Default private Appointments | One of the following values is displayed: