General Settings for Memo

On "General settings" screen in Memo, you can set the basic functions for Memo.

  1. Click the Administration menu icon (gear icon) in the header.

    The gear-shaped icon appears only on the screen for the users with administrative privileges.

  2. Click Garoon System Administration.

  3. Select "Application settings" tab.

  4. Click Memo.

  5. Click General Settings.

  6. In the "Maximum total file size per user" field on the "General settings" screen, you can set the file size limit.

    The maximum total file size per user is the sum of the sizes of the following files that each user can save in Memo.

    • Files added to folders
    • Files attached to Memo

    The value that you can select is as follows:

    • Unlimited
    • 0 MB (do not allow attachments)
    • 1MB
    • 3MB
    • 5MB
    • 10MB
    • 50MB
    • 100MB

    If you select "0 MB (do not allow attachments)", users cannot add, attach, or update files.

  7. In the field to allow to use Rich Text Formatting, select whether to allow the feature.

  8. Confirm your settings and click Save.