Tentative Reorganization

Article Number:020185
Intended audience: cybozu.cn Administrators

"Tentative Reorganization" is a feature that allows you to pre-register changes to user and department data in advance when a significant organizational reshuffle is planned. You can apply the pre-registered data to your domain on the predefined date and time.

For example, if you plan to have an organizational change or some transfers of employees on April 1, you can pre-register the data change before April 1 and apply the changes to your domain on April 1.

Pre-Registered Data That Can Be Created

The following pre-registered data can be created in Tentative Reorganization.

  • Add, edit, delete, or reorder departments
  • Add, edit, delete, or reorder job titles
  • Change the following items in user information
    • Department(s)
    • Job Titles
    • Priority Department
    • Status
    • Display Order

Preparing Pre-registered Data and Applying It

In "Tentative Reorganization", prepare pre-registered data and apply it to cybozu.cn by following the steps below.
The pre-registered data will not be visible to the users until the data is actually applied to cybozu.cn.