If the Message "Applying Permission Setting Changes to Each Record" Appears

Article Number:040798

If the banner message "Applying permission settings changes to each record" appears while you are updating your app, it means that changes made in the Permissions for records and Permissions for fields settings are being applied to each record. When this processing completes, you will be automatically navigated to the View screen.
Figure: Banner displayed on the "App settings" screen

Note that if an app has many records or configured permissions, there may temporarily be a mix of records with the new permission settings and records with the previous permission settings while this processing is being carried out.

Details of the processing to apply app settings changes

When changes are made in the Permissions for records or Permissions for fields settings, the processing for updating the app settings is split up into parts.
The updated settings will take effect sequentially as the processing of each part completes.

Figure: Processing to apply app settings changes

The details are as follows.

  1. The system executes the processing to apply new settings to your app.
    App settings other than the Permissions for records and Permissions for fields settings are applied to the app.
    Once this processing completes, changes made to field positions, the app name, and the Permissions for app settings will be visible to users.
  2. Based on the newly configured Permissions for records and Permissions for fields settings, the system executes the processing to re-calculate who will be allowed to perform what actions on which records (pre-calculation of permissions).
    This processing is carried out in several chunks, each of which covers a portion of records in the app.
    Changes made in the Permissions for records and Permissions for fields settings will take effect on records sequentially as the processing of each chunk completes.


What happens to periodic reports if the reporting time is reached while the processing to apply permission settings is in progress?

Data aggregation for periodic reports will not be performed until the new permission settings are applied to all records. For this reason, data aggregation for periodic reports will not be performed while an app still contains a mix of records with new permission settings and records with the previous permission settings.
If it takes more than a certain amount of time to apply the new permission settings to all of the records, the data aggregation for the report will fail and an error will occur. In such a case, a notification of the data aggregation failure is sent to all users with permission to manage the app.

What happens to notifications if the notification timing set in "Reminder notifications" is reached while the processing to apply permission settings is in progress?

Reminder notifications will be sent out even if new permission settings are in the middle of being applied to records. If an app contains a mix of records under new permission settings and records that are still under the previous permission settings, notifications will be sent based on the permission settings that are applied to each record at the current time.