Overview of the Chart Feature

Article Number:040577

The Chart feature lets you aggregate an app's record data (e.g., data contained in records, numbers of records) and display the aggregated data in chart or table format. Screenshot: A bar chart of aggregated data is displayed

Creating a chart

A chart can be created using either of the following methods.

  • Create a chart from the App settings screen
    You can create a chart by configuring data aggregation conditions on the App settings screen. To do so, you need permission to manage the relevant app.
    Creating charts on the "App settings" screen
  • Create a chart from your app's View screen
    You can aggregate an app's record data, including numeric values and numbers of records, and create a chart from the app's View screen. Permission to manage the app is not required.
    Creating charts

Whichever way you choose, once you save your chart settings, you can display a chart with the latest data anytime from your app's main page (the View screen).
To save your chart settings, you need permission to manage the relevant app.