Updated by

Article Number:040541

Placing an Updated by field on your app form creates a field that displays the name of the user who last updated each record.
Whenever a record is updated and saved or its process management status is moved forward, the user who performed the update will be displayed in the Updated by field.
The value of the Updated by field is automatically filled and cannot be edited.

Screenshot: Example of an "Updated by" field

Field settings

Screenshot: The settings screen of an "Updated by" field


Specify the field name. The field name is displayed as the label of the field in the app.

Hide field name

Selecting the Hide field name checkbox hides the field name on the following screens.

  • The New record screen
  • The Edit record screen
  • The Record details screen
  • The screen for printing a record
  • The Form settings screen

Field code

The character string used for specifying the field in APIs.

Usage examples

Use the Updated by field when you want to automatically display the user who last updated each record in your app.
For example, if you have a customer management app, you can place an Updated by field on its app form to automatically display the last user who updated customer information in each record.

Screenshot: An example of the "Updated by" field being used