Group selection

Article Number:040530

Group selection field You can place a Group selection field and use that field to select a group (role) which is registered in kintone.
You can select multiple groups.

You can add groups in Administration.
You can create manager groups or project member groups (members across multiple departments) separately from departments.
For details on how to add groups, refer to Adding Groups.

Similar Fields

You can use a User selection field to select a user, and a Department selection field to select a department.
User selection
Department selection

Specifying the Group Selection Field

You can specify a group in one of the following ways.

  • Enter a group name or a group code, and then select the group which is displayed under the field.
  • Click the Select groups from the group list icon to the right of the field and select one or more groups.
    Select Groups

Usage Examples

You can use Group Selection fields in combination with permissions or notifications to let users see appropriate information for them. For example, you can use this field in a HR app where personal information is stored. Example of permissions

Selecting a group allows you to set options such as permissions for all users in the group.
Group selection

"Group Selection" Field Settings

Group selection field

  • Name
    • Specify the label for the field.
  • Hide field name
    • Hide the field name on the "New Record," "Edit Record," "Record Details," and record printing screens.
  • Required field
    • Require that data is entered into the field.
  • Preset groups
    • Specify the groups that will be displayed as options. If this option is not specified, all groups will be displayed in the Group selection. Specifying an item shows the group you specified on the list and you can click to select it. Specifying an item
  • Default Value
    • Set the default value.
  • Field Code
    • A string used for specifying this field in APIs.