Usage Examples of Operators and Functions

Article Number:040503

This topic explains some examples of using operators and functions.
For details on the operators and functions available to use in formulas, refer to List of operators and functions.

Using operators and functions

Operator/Function Formula example Example of calculation result
+ 3+2 5
- 3-2 1
* 3*2 6
/ 3/2 1.5
^ 3^2 9
& John&Jones JohnJones
= IF(A=100,B,C) If you substitute 100 for A, 10 for B, and 5 for C: 10
!= IF(A!=100,B,C) If you substitute 100 for A, 10 for B, and 5 for C: 5
<> IF(A<>100,B,C) If you substitute 100 for A, 10 for B, and 5 for C: 5
< IF(A<100,B,C) If you substitute 100 for A, 10 for B, and 5 for C: 5
<= IF(A<=100,B,C) If you substitute 100 for A, 10 for B, and 5 for C: 10
> IF(A>100,B,C) If you substitute 100 for A, 10 for B, and 5 for C: 5
>= IF(A>=100,B,C) If you substitute 100 for A, 10 for B, and 5 for C: 10
SUM SUM(1, 2, 3) 6
YEN YEN(1100.5, 0) ¥1,101
DATE_FORMAT DATE_FORMAT(1522972800, "YYYY MMM d", "system") 2018 Apr 6
IF IF(A<100,B,C) If the value of A is 90, the result is B. If the value of A is 110, the result is C.
AND IF(AND(A>10,B>=10),"1","0") If the values of A and B are 10: 0
OR IF(OR(A>10,B>=10),"1","0") If the values of A and B are 10: 1
NOT IF(NOT(A>10),"1","0") If the value of A is 10: 1
CONTAINS IF(CONTAINS(Workday, "Sunday"), "Working on Sunday", "Not Working on Sunday") Displays "Working on Sunday" if Sunday is selected. Displays "Not Working on Sunday" if Sunday is not selected.
ROUND ROUND(A * 1.1) If the value of A is 8,875: 9,763
ROUNDDOWN ROUNDDOWN(A * 1.1) If the value of A is 8,875: 9,762
ROUNDUP ROUNDUP(A * 1.1) If the value of A is 8,875: 9,763

Calculating Numeric Value

Numeric calculation is performed using the Calculated or Text field.
"Field A" is the value of the field of which field code is "Field A". "Field B" is the value of the field of which field code is "Field B".

Sum values: Field A + Field B

If Field A is 1, and Field B is 2, the result is 3.
Calculate using "( )": (Field A - 1000) * 2

If Field A is 1,500, the result is 1,000.
Calculate using * and +: Field A*5 + Field B*10

If Field A is 20, and Field B is 10, the result is 200.

Calculating totals in the table

Assume that the following table is on a form.

Item Unit Price Quantity Subtotal
USB memory 1,500 1 1,500
Ball-point pen 70 5 350
LAN cable 350 2 700
Power strip 150 1 150
A5 notebook 50 10 500
      (Total the numbers)

If the field code of the "Subtotal" field is "Field_A", the subtotal can be obtained by the following formula: You can perform calculation even when Unit Price or Quantity is empty.

Formula: SUM(Field_A)

The result is 3,200.

For more details, refer to Calculating fields in tables.

Calculating date and time

The Calculated field can be used for the following calculations:

  • Date and time difference calculation
  • Addition and subtraction of date/time, and time

In formulas, enter time in seconds. For example, to specify 1 hour, type "3600" or "60*60*1". To specify 1 day, type "24*60*60*1".

Calculate by seconds: Field A + (60 * 60 * 1)

If Field A is "2014-01-01 09:00", the result is "2014-01-01 10:00".
This is the calculation result of when "Date and time (Example: 2012-08-06 2:03)" is set for the display format of the field.
Use Time for display format: Field A - Field B

If Field A is "2014-01-01 09:00" and Field B is "2014-01-01 08:00", the result is "1 hour 0 minute".
This is the calculation result of when "Time (Example: 26 hours 3 minutes)" is set for the display format of the field.

For details, refer to Calculation of Date, Time, and Date and Time.

Working with Text field

Use the Text field to concatenate strings or display YEN function.

Display the value of other field: Field A

If Field A is "John", the result is "John".
Concatenate strings: Field A & " " & Field B

If Field A is "John" and Field B is "Jones", the result is "John Jones".
Example of YEN function: YEN(Field A * 1.1, 0)

If Field A is "8,875", the result is "¥9,763".
The value of "8,875 × 1.1 = 9762.5" is rounded to the nearest whole number.

For details, refer to & operator: concatenating strings and numbers.

Related Information: Calculating empty fields

Empty fields are considered as "0" or a null string.

  • Empty numeric type fields are considered as "0". However, when the "&" operator is used, such a field is treated as an empty string("").
  • A string type field without input is treated as an empty string("").
  • If you enter "Calculated field = 0" with IF function, the result returns TRUE when the Calculated field is empty, as well as when the Calculated field value is '0'.
  • If you specify "Calculated field = """, the condition will be used to determine whether the field is empty or not. Returns FALSE when '0' is entered, and TRUE when the field is empty.
  • Described below is the way to make the field empty instead of displaying '0'.
    Specify "" as the result.
    • Example: IF(Quantity=0, "", Unit_Price*Quantity)
      When the quantity is 0, the result will be empty. When the quantity is not 0, the result value of multiplication will be displayed.

Related Information: Values of "Number" and "Calculated" fields

Values of Number and Calculated fields might be rounded, depending on the number of digits. You can change the number of digits and method of rounding.
For details, refer to the following pages.