When access permission is set for a field, there are some cases where a message "No permission to view this field" appears on the "Record Details" screen while there are also cases where the field itself is not displayed

Article Number:040255

The record details screen vary depending on how you configured permissions in "Permissions for Fields"

  • If you have configured them by adding at least one field from "Add a field of the form":
    For users who do not have view permission of the field, a message "No permission to view this field." appears.

  • If you configured them by using "User, group and department to grant permissions to" only:
    The field is invisible to users who do not have view permission for the field.

Example: For "Interview Note" field, you added "Contact" field using "Add a field for selection" and set HR & GA department in "User, group and department to grant permissions to"

Users do not have permissions to view "Interview Note" field, except those configured in "Contact" field and those from HR & GA department.
Users who do not have view permission will see a message "No permission to view this field." in the "Interview Note" field.

Example: For "Interview Note" field, you set only HR & GA department in "User, group and department to grant permissions to"

Users do not have permissions to view "Interview Note" field, except those from HR & GA department.
Users with no view permission cannot see "Interview Note" field itself.