When I try to update an app after deleting a category, the message "Failed to complete the process." appears

Article Number:040243

This page describes what to do when the following error message is displayed.

Failed to complete the process. (Error: GAIA_CD07: The category "***" cannot be deleted because it contains one or more records in the activated app.)

Note that this error message will include only one category name, even if there are more than one categories that cannot be deleted.

The category you are trying to delete cannot be deleted since there are records classified under it.
This error message appears regardless of whether the Category feature is enabled or disabled.

Follow the steps below to remove all of the records from the category you want to delete and then delete the category.


The following is an overview of the steps.

(1) Open the records that are classified under the category you want to delete and deselect the category.
(2) Apply the category deletion to the app.

If the Category feature is enabled, you can carry out these steps without discarding changes to the app settings. Leaving the error message displayed, go back to the View screen from the App settings screen and then follow the steps below.

Open the records that are classified under the category you want to delete and deselect the category.

  1. Navigate to the View screen.

  2. In the category tree on the left side of the screen, click the category you want to delete.
    Screenshot: The category to be deleted is selected on the view screen

    Records that are classified under the selected category will be displayed.

  3. For each record, open the Edit record screen, deselect the category, and save the record.
    If you want to classify a record under a different category, select the category.
    Screenshot: The options of the "Categories" field are outlined in red

    Keep removing records from the category you want to delete until there are no more records classified under it. Screenshot: The "View" screen when there are no records classified under the category to be deleted

Next, apply the category deletion to the app.

  1. Click the App settings icon (the gear-shaped icon) at the upper right of the View screen.

  2. If you have discarded your changes to the app settings, click Categories on the App settings tab and delete the category.

  3. Click Update app at the upper right of the screen.

  4. On the confirmation dialog, click Update app.