When a User's Account Is Locked Out

Article Number:020282
Intended audience: All

A user can no longer log in to cybozu.cn when the number of failed login attempts exceeds the value specified by an administrator.
This page describes solutions for when your account is locked out.

Waiting until Your Account Is Unlocked

If a message like the one below is displayed when logging in, your account is unlocked after the time indicated in the message has elapsed.

Your account is locked out due to 10 times wrong password attempts. Your account is locked out for 3 minutes. Wait for 3 minutes, and try to log in again.

Asking cybozu.cn Administrators to Unlock Your Account

If you want to log in immediately or if a message like the one below is displayed when logging in, ask cybozu.cn Administrators to unlock your account.

Your account is locked out due to 3 times wrong password attempts. Contact your administrator.

If cybozu.cn Administrators Are Locked Out

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