Characters That Can Be Used for Login Name and Password

Article Number:020256
Intended audience: Administrators

This page describes the types of characters and the maximum number of characters you can specify for the login name and password.

Login Name

The Maximum Number of Characters

It must be 128 characters or less.

Characters That Can Be Used

For the login name, you can use characters expressed in UTF-8 (Unicode) such as alphabets and numbers.
The alphabetical characters are case-sensitive, and Full-width and half-width katakana characters are distinguished.

Note that you cannot set a login name that meets one of the following:

Special Characters Not Allowed to Use for Login Name

A login name cannot contain the following special characters:

  • \ (Yen sign or backslash)
  • [ ] (Bracket)
  • " (Double quotation mark)
  • : (Colon)
  • ; (Semicolon)
  • < (Less than sign)
  • > (Greater than sign)
  • , (Comma)
  • / (Slash)


The Maximum Number of Characters

Enter up to 64 characters.

Characters That Can Be Used

The password should be set using a combination of the following character types.
The uppercase and lowercase letters are distinguished.

Note that you cannot set passwords that do not meet the password policy requirements.

Special Characters Available to Use for Password

A password can contain the following special characters:

  • ! (Exclamation mark)
  • " (Double quotation mark)
  • # (Number sign)
  • $ (Dollar sign)
  • % (Percent)
  • & (Ampersand)
  • ' (Single quotation mark)
  • ( ) (Parenthesis)
  • * (Asterisk)
  • + (Plus sign)
  • , (Comma)
  • - (Hyphen)
  • . (Period)
  • / (Slash)
  • : (Colon)
  • ; (Semicolon)
  • = (Equal sign)
  • < (Less than sign)
  • > (Greater than sign)
  • ? (Question mark)
  • @ (At sign)
  • [ ] (Bracket)
  • ^ (Caret)
  • _ (Underscore)
  • ` (Backquote)
  • { } (Brace)
  • | (Pipe)
  • ~ (Tilde)

When Using a File to Register Users

* (asterisk) cannot be specified in the password of new users.
If you specify * (asterisk), a valid password will not be set for them.
The user needs to take one of the following actions to log in:

  • Ask Administrators to set a password
  • Log in with SAML authentication