File Format for Departments

Article Number:020151
Intended audience: Administrators

This page describes the file format for adding or changing departments.

For details on how to import a file, refer to the following page:
Adding or Changing Users and Departments Using a File

File Format

Enter the information of one department in each row.
When the "Department Code" you entered in the file is identical to the existing code of the department in, the department information will be overwritten.

Each row requires the following items. These items are mandatory and cannot be omitted.

  • department code
  • Display Name
  • New Department Code
  • Localized Name
  • Language for Localized Name
  • Parent Department Code
  • Description

For details on the items above, refer to the following page:
Items of Department Information

Notes on creating a file

Enter all necessary departments in a file to be imported.
Departments that are not entered in the file will be deleted from

In order to prevent you from unintentionally deleting departments, we recommend exporting the existing departments to a file so that you can edit and use it as an import file.
For details on how to export a file, refer to the following page:
Exporting Users, Departments, and Other Information to Files

To delete departments

To delete department information, remove the departments you want to delete from the file to be imported.
Notes on Deleting Departments

Items to be entered in a file

Enter an asterisk (*) for the items that you want to leave unchanged.
The row of a parent department must precede the rows of its child departments.

Department Code

To add a new department

Enter a string that does not duplicate existing department codes.

To change the information of existing departments

Enter the existing department code.
When you want to change the existing department code, enter a new department code in "New Department Code".

Display Name

"Display Name" must be a string.

New Department Code

To change "Department Code"

Enter a new department code.

To add a new department, or to change information other than "Department Code"

Enter a string that is identical to "Department Code", or enter "*".

Localized Name

Other than the default "Display Name", you can enter a display name for each language.
For example, you can type "営業部" for users who use Japanese or "Sales.Div" for users who use English.

Language for Localized Name

If you enter a "Localized Name", you also need to enter one of the following for this item:

  • Japanese: ja
  • English: en
  • Simplified Chinese: zh
  • Traditional Chinese: zh-TW
  • Spanish: es
  • Portuguese (Brazil): pt-BR
  • Thai: th

Parent Department Code

Enter a department code of a parent department.
If you leave this item blank, a top-level department will be configured as the parent department.

Trimming whitespaces

If the following items contain a leading or trailing space, it will be trimmed when the data is imported from the file.

  • department code
  • Display Name
  • New Department Code
  • Localized Name
  • Language for Localized Name
  • Parent Department Code

Example of CSV File Descriptions

The first row can be used for the field names. You can omit the first row, or select "Skip header row" when importing a file.
All other existing departments without changes must also be included in the file. Departments that are not entered in the file will be deleted from


  • "org001" exists as a top-level department.
  • "org001-01" exists as a child department of "org001".
  • "org001-02" exists as a child department of "org001".

Under these prerequisites, the following department information will be exported.

The content has been copied.
Department Code, Display Name, New Department Code, Localized Name, Language for Localized Name, Parent Department Code, Description
org001, 営業部, org001, Sales Division, en, ,
org001-01, 国内営業部, org001-01, Domestic Sales Department, en, org001,
org001-02, 海外営業部, org001-02, International Sales Department, en, org001,

To add departments

The following is an example of how to add some departments to the departments described in the prerequisites above.

  • Add "org002" as a top-level department.
  • Add "org001-01-01" as a child department of "org001-01".

Append "org002" and "org001-01-01" to the file.

The content has been copied.
Department Code, Display Name, New Department Code, Localized Name, Language for Localized Name, Parent Department Code, Description
org001, *, *, *, *, , *
org001-01, *, *, *, *, org001, *
org001-02, *, *, *, *, org001, *
org002, 情報システム部, *, System Department, en, , *
org001-01-01, 国内第一営業部, *, First Domestic Sales Department, en, org001-01, *

To change department information

The following is an example of how to change the display name of "org001-01" and "org001-02".

The content has been copied.
Department Code, Display Name, New Department Code, Localized Name, Language for Localized Name, Parent Department Code, Description
org001, *, *, *, *, , *
org001-01, 営業部(国内), *, *, *, org001, *
org001-02, 営業部(海外), *, *, *, org001, *

To delete departments

The following is an example of how to delete the department "org001-02".
Do not enter the department to be deleted in the file.

The content has been copied.
Department Code, Display Name, New Department Code, Localized Name, Language for Localized Name, Parent Department Code, Description
org001, *, *, *, *, , *
org001-01, *, *, *, *, org001, *